My best job would be an event assistant; I assist in setting up party tray foods, spirits and other drinks for events. I walk around and hand out food and drinks, assist with organizing and cleanup in the environment, set up paper plates, forks, spoons, and napkins. I ask people attending event if they’re hungry or thirsty. What makes the job enjoyable is little effort is required to do the job except set up, clean up and accommodate. Little to no customer service is required. I earn $100 bucks every event I work in. I get free food and drink (wine). The only thing I hate about it is that I am on call in every other week sometimes consecutive weeks. The skills that have developed for me was attention to detail and persistence. What I learned about this workplace experience is I enjoy tasks with detail, little interaction and the same routine.
The worst job I’ve ever had was working at Safeway as a courtesy clerk. My duties were to collect shopping carts, bag groceries, collect hand baskets, sweep floors, return go-back items and assist customers. What I hated about the job was there were a lot of task required of a courtesy clerk at only $8.25 an hour. The courtesy clerks did not get much respect especially from the spoiled customers. Since I was 17-18 during the time I had this job, I was still adjusting my attitude and maturity and I was easily angered or frustrated with the customers shouting, demands and irritations. The skills that helped were time management, customer service, and patience.
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